Lens Essay-Revision Blog#8 Kiana Fraser-Handel

For the Research Revision assignment, I decided to revise on my Lens Essay. The Essay was about how the internet has effected our brains to the point that we have changed the way we read. We went from reading an article deeply to skimming through them or shortly reading them. I feel like I didn’t elaborate a little more on my exhibit, which was an “internet troll.” I also want to try and elaborate more on how the lenses I used, which were “Deep versus Shallow Reading,” “Brain Plasticity” and the effect of the “internet troll.” My scholarly question for the Research Revision is, if the internet changes the way people read over time, such as our brains adapting to shallow reading, would the brain of an internet troll be any different? The answer to that would be no, since the internet troll is the same as any human that has changed their way of reading over time, their brain just adapted to the new way of reading like how it adapts to anything it deems new and useful. However, even though I have the question and the answer, I want to do more pursuing on my question to help deepen the answer with the use of my sources. One of them being “Is Google Making Us Stupid” by Nicholas Carr, which was the same source I used for my Lens Essay to help elaborate on how my lenses effect the exhibit. Overall, I want to be able to further interpret the “internet troll” and also explain how the “internet troll” can be affected by the lenses “Deep versus Shallow Reading” and “Brain Plasticity.”

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