Dorians Revision Blog Post

The essay i would like to revise is my Lens essay. Mainly because would like to go more in depth with research because it really intrigues me and I can relate to my topic. The name of the essay is “Cognitive Facebook”. The essay is about how Cognitive Surplus relates to Facebook in a positive way. The Lens is Cognitive Surplus and the Exhibit is Facebook. Cognitive Surplus is the free time of educated people or just people with expertise share information in large quantities. Facebook is a website made to create a way for people from all over the world to communicate and share information regarding their lives of events.  I would like to show the positive affect of Cognitive Surplus and Facebook together. But, the question i would like to ask myself is, How will cognitive surplus and Facebook affect our lives now and in the long run in a positive way? In order for me to find information on this I am going to have to go in deep research. Because, the information I have found so far inst exactly benefiting Cognitive Surplus and Facebook. Though I have to look at both sides of the argument. Some may think that Facebook is not very good and Cognitive Surplus is just helping Facebook to get popular and leading people down the wrong road. In my next set of research I am going to change up my key words to see weather of not the information i will find is relevant to supporting my topic.

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