General feedback on Lens-Exhibit pairings

Dear class,

A note to say that I’ve emailed feedback on your Lens-Exhibit pairings to your City Tech emails.  Some general thoughts:

-Ensure that your exhibit is *specific,* *distinct* from the lens author’s subject matter, and *Internet-related.* Specificity prevents vague generalizations about “technology”; choosing a topic that’s *distinct from* (though obviously related to) Carr or Shirky’s topics prevents a mere recap/summary of the original articles; and writing about something *Internet-related* prevents you from drifting off-topic.

-Ask yourself how your exhibit incites debate or controversy.  It’s easy to write an essay that simply expresses your initial opinion; work to address the counterargument.

-Utilize the Lens Essay Outline Template to organize your thoughts!  Tightening paragraph-to-paragraph organization is a skill that we all could improve on in this unit.

Best wishes for your writing.  Please see the previous Announcement for more details.


Professor Kwong

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