HW for March 13

-Finish your final Rhetorical Analysis essay by Wednesday, 3/15 at the beginning of class. Instructions here: ENG1101assignmentRhetoricalAnalysis-2  Once again, make sure you have a copy of your partner’s peer review feedback stapled to the back, along with the draft and notes on what you revised.

-Print and bring Nicholas Carr’s “Is Google Making Us Stupid” to Monday’s class. You do not need to read it.  REMEMBER, we will not end until 12:45 on Monday! Please plan accordingly.

-Finish reading the Sample Rhetorical Analysis essay. Scan or take a picture of pages 4-5 of David X’s essay.  Include in the margins notes on the big idea of each paragraph.  Submit here by 10 am on Monday, March 13.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Professor Kwong

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