roman sary re-vision process

What I got from my peer revision from my partner was mistakes I wouldn’t see in my perspective. My partner showed me my writing could explain more. One positive thing my partner said about my writing was that it is well constructed and written with details. When she made the assumption that my work was good because of my writing and how much details was put into it. I felt my writing was getting better, but I can improve it. She also added that my choice of metaphor explain the powerful quote of MLK. There were many things negative my partner said to me. Negative things my partner said my writing was that I need to improve on explaining my topic more. My metaphors wasn’t specific and really related to the topic. My partner said that my rhetorical feature wasn’t explained how it was interesting. She kept saying I should improve on explanation and using the metaphors in a certain way. My writing to her was good because of my information. The negativity of my writing is explaining my rhetorical choice in a way my readers can understand, and my partner said that I need to improve on that mostly. She kept it specific and made me understand what was wrong with my writing and that my information should be an explanation of the quote of MLK. My weakness overall is explanation and re-reading because my partner clearly said I need to work on it to get my writing to be better.

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