Brehene’s Re-Vision Process

After the peer review last class, the advice that my partner gave was really helped me a lot. I realized that the mistakes that I made weren’t major, but they were definitely mistakes that shouldn’t have happened. That’s why it’s a positive to revise your work and have other go over your work as well. It’s all to make your work better so you can get a better grade. Also it’s to help you learn from your mistakes so you make the same mistakes in other essays. The process also helps you look at your strengths and your weaknesses. During the process, some strengths my partner pointed out was that I provided a background of the central topic and made it clear on which rhetorical choice I chose, He told me that it wasn’t a bad essay at all but the mistakes that were made could have made the essay a lot better. A weakness that my partner pointed out to me was that some ideas in the essay weren’t clear and/or incomplete.Another weakness was that I didn’t organize my paragraphs and I didn’t include my opinion in the essay. Just small mistakes that shouldn’t have happened. Those suggestions should help my essay better and that’s why i don’t really find this process to have any negatives. It’s not to bash you or to change your ideas, it’s just to give you ideas on how to make your essay perfect. We all can improve our work and make our essays better by revising our essays and getting opinions and ideas frpm others.

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