Monthly Archives: February 2017

First paragraph of Rhetorical Analysis essay

In the speech “I Have A Dream” by Martin Luther King Jr, he first started to refers Lincolnā€™s famous Gettysburg speechĀ to addressĀ about dream of freedom for the black American citizensĀ are never treated the same as white Americans. The segregation and discrimination have become part of black’s daily life. Now, it is time to stranded up for our freedom and justice. In the speech, one rhetorical feature that interests me are metaphors; because it like a exampleĀ that made me understand better. IĀ like theĀ metaphor of cashing the check (p2) to represent the right of black Americans. In the constitution and Declaration of Independence, it promise all men have the equal right of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. ButĀ it never gave negro the right that have been promised. So, King refer it as a “bad check” to black American.Ā  It is a interesting metaphor that can letĀ reader to create a strong and clear images because they have to think deep in to it. If King just wrote black American did not get their freedom without using metaphor. It probably sound’s boring.

R.A draft

” I have a dream” by Martin luther king jr speech deliver us about the injustices of segregation and discrimination of African American people that took place in united states. Dr. kings “i have a dream” speech interests me because the speech was for the people that needed to fight for equal rights, which made gathered them together and strong. A rhetorical analysis he uses in the speech is promises. African American were tired of promises which led them to believe that time was gonna give them freedom. Dr. king’s did not believe in promises because it was all about actions. Non violent actions. The promise of the constitution that gives equal rights to everyone, was only given to white folks.

Brehene’s First paragraph to R.A Essay

When reading Martin Luther King’s “I HaveĀ AĀ Dream” speech, I was so inspired by the message Dr. King was giving to the black people who were going through a very rough time in the South. One thing that really stood throughout the whole speech was the use of the religious allusions. The use of religious allusions was a way for Dr. King to bring every religion together to spread togetherness in a non-violent way. One example of this is at the end of his speech when he brings up the negro spirituals and saying that everyone is God’s child(408). You can tell that all Dr. King wanted to do was make sure everyone came together to end the racial divide.

David Vivas R.A draft

In Dr.kings famous “I have a dream” speech he basically talks about how he looks forward to the future where he believes that everyone will be able to be treated equally, he looks forward to a future where racism will not exist. Ā A rhetorical analysis in which he uses in his speech is religious allusion, Dr.king uses religion in order to make white folks understand that god had made them equal. He would refer to religion being important towards the end of segregation, as he says “with this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day. This will be the day when all of Gods children will be able to sing with new meaning” (pg.407),because the day when everyone will come together and stand against racism then that will be the day that they will truly understand what it means to be free & what it means to be equal. Ā Religious allusion played a big role to his speech because Christians where normally white folks and the Bible was a main role in they’re life, so dr.king believed that if he showed them that in the Bible it says that all men are treated equal then he would have a chance to convince others that racism shouldn’t be a problem.

Shemar Watson Rectorical Analysis

In “I have a dream” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr speaks about how fed up he is about his people getting treated like animals. He dislikes the inequality that are being served by the white people to his people. He wants a change, he wants everybody to be happy and equal. He has a dream that one day that blacks and whites will be equal. It is very interesting that the use of repetition is used as a way to make people open their eyes and see what is really wrong. Dr. King says “I have a dream” to show hopes for the future and to give his people a dream that they can fight for equality. It also demonstrates that the he sees an image in his head of blacks and whites together. He states “little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls and walk down together brothers and sisters”. This is also very powerful because racism was and still is a big issue. Having dreams like this demonstrates that Dr. King wants for blacks his people and whites to be one and live together peacefully. He writes this because he is tired of the racism he wants his audience to feel the same pain he does to make them take a stand and stand upĀ for themselves. Kings argument is to make is people realize that they can no longer live in society that treats them like garbage because they are better than that and live normal lives like the wealthy whiteĀ people.