First paragraph of Rhetorical Analysis essay

In the speech “I Have A Dream” by Martin Luther King Jr, he first started to refers Lincolnā€™s famous Gettysburg speechĀ to addressĀ about dream of freedom for the black American citizensĀ are never treated the same as white Americans. The segregation and discrimination have become part of black’s daily life. Now, it is time to stranded up for our freedom and justice. In the speech, one rhetorical feature that interests me are metaphors; because it like a exampleĀ that made me understand better. IĀ like theĀ metaphor of cashing the check (p2) to represent the right of black Americans. In the constitution and Declaration of Independence, it promise all men have the equal right of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. ButĀ it never gave negro the right that have been promised. So, King refer it as a “bad check” to black American.Ā  It is a interesting metaphor that can letĀ reader to create a strong and clear images because they have to think deep in to it. If King just wrote black American did not get their freedom without using metaphor. It probably sound’s boring.

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