Brandon R.A paragraph 1

In the speech “I Have A Dream” by Dr. King, he speaks about the injustice that Negros must face in life. He mentions how all people should be equal and have the same rights, however, that is not the case. Dr. King talks about a dream of peace and equality for all people to share in. Dr. King reminds people that this is a dream he has for the future. However, if people do not come together in order to make this dream come true, then it will be something that stays in the past and will eventually be forgotten. This urges people to stand up for their freedom and fight against segregation. In this speech, the rhetorical feature that stands out to me is the use of metaphors. This rhetorical feature interests me because metaphors help view things as a figure of speech, in order to make something easier to understand. It gives an understanding of the situation so that you can be aware of the literal meaning behind the metaphor.

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