Dorian’s R.A. Essay Draft

The “I Have a Dream” Speech, written and told by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. A man known for his pieces of literature. But, in this specific piece it speaks of a certain issue that needs to be addressed at the time, before it gets worst. This speech speaks of the treatment of the black community, and the “Dream” that Dr. King has. One Rhetorical feature that caught my attention was his use of metaphor (404). He says, that “America has given the Negro people a bad check; a check marked “insufficient funds.” This is an important part of Dr. King’s argument, because of this brilliant use of metaphor he opened up people’s minds. Right after, he says, “But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt.” What I got from this part of the speech was that black people aren’t cared for by the white supremacists. I came to this conclusion because, the words “insufficient funds” tells me that black people aren’t being given enough money from the bank. Also, the “bank of justice is bankrupt”, this tells me that justice is all out of money. Money is resembling the ability to care. And the bank resembling the white people. In the end, Justice is not on the black community’s side and doesn’t care enough to lend them a hand. This is one of the many things in Dr. Kings Speech that led me to better understand his argument. In just one sentence he told us a story.

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