Homework for 2/22

Dear class,

Excellent work today. Below is the homework for 2/22.  Please make note that there’s no class on Monday, February 20.

  1. Read “Letter from Birmingham Jail” pp 1-3.  Some questions to guide your reading:

How does King define “nonviolent direct action?”

What is the main accusation that King is defending himself against?

What are the key differences between just and unjust laws, and why are they so important?

Who is King’s audience, and what is his attitude toward them?

Why do you think King waits till the bottom of page 3 to make his “honest confessions”?

2. Blog post #2 due Monday: letter to King, comparing “I Have A Dream” to first 3 pages of “Letter.”  

Your letter should have two parts: in the first part, single out one feature of King’s language in “I Have A Dream” that you found powerful, intriguing, or especially confusing.  It could be a repeated pattern, an image, an allusion, a metaphor, or a sequence of thought.  Whatever you choose, a) introduce the feature, b) quote the relevant passage, and c) explain yourself in as much detail as you deem necessary.

In the second part of your post, compare this feature to the language of “Birmingham Jail” so far.  Do you notice anything different about King’s language in this letter?  What are some important similarities?  Explain to Dr. King why  the difference, or similarity, is important to you as a reader.

250 words.

3. Bring BOTH “I Have A Dream” and “Birmingham Jail” to next class. Please note that unpreparedness will incur deductions from your participation grade.



Professor Kwong

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