Office hours; Homework for 2/15; blog instructions

Hi class,

Thanks for your hard work today.  A few notes for the following week:

1.  Summary + Response essay is due at the beginning of class on Wednesday, 2/15. Bring a physical copy to class and upload to the appropriate Dropbox (Final Draft Dropboxes—>Essay 1)

2. Because the S + R essay should be short (500 words!), you should also read “I Have A Dream” by Wednesday’s class.  Use our pre-reading questions from class as a guide. Post annotated copy of any 2 pages to the appropriate Dropbox, under “Assignments” on Openlab, by beginning of class Wednesday.

3.  Office hours start today, in Pearl 410, at 1:30-3:30 pm.  Unless otherwise noted, these will be the office hours for the remainder of the term.

4. The deadline for submissions to City Tech’s Literary Arts Festival is coming up on February 28!  Submission details can be found here:  For some extra credit, you can revise Essay 1 and submit it for the Personal Essay category.  Please write me or see me during office hours if you would like further details.

5. Finally, a reminder that there’s no class on Monday, 2/13. We meet again on Wednesday, 2/15.

Have a great weekend,

Professor Kwong

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