both alexie’s and Mac Millan essays

Author Sherman J. Alexie, a young native amererican is influenced by the superman comic bookto improve his living standard. The book teaches him to be optimistic, to breakdown doors of struggle. He lived in a native american reservation, where they were isolated from others. However, he tried to see things further, he learned to read and write at young age. In the society he lived it was fine to fail in school as a indian however he was smart and he never failed. His perseverance led him to become a writer, and teach others from the reservation. Terry MacMillan had a tough life growing up.  She grew up in a small industrial town in Michigan. She and her family where very poor and unhappy. The first time she watched the movie “the wizard of oz” was in white and black color. The movie changed her life, it made her thought about escaping from the chaotic and isolated place to find happiness. She never saw people around her happy , the only time was when they were drunk. Her mother was domineering , she could not never question her. further more many times she felt helpless and powerless because she had no control over her situation. the movie made her want to leave the unhappy place and go to the other side of the world. It influenced her to move on that there are better things out there, She knew  how unfairly things can be but somehow always turn out good. In her life negativity had turn into optimistic.

Both Alexie and McMlillan both talk about dealing with struggles growing up. They both use nonfiction dramas, such as the superman comic book and “the wizard of oz”. It helps them to   break down doors from poverty, and racism. The superman comic book helps the young indian to be a hero and save all of their lives to become better by reading and writing and also teaching. McMillan shows us how unhappy she grew up, through out all the movie changed her view of living. To move on and find a place where she can feel happy. In addition, they are different because super and me is about education and learning to overcome obstacles with education. In the other hand McMillan talks about poverty, and how she free her self not depending on nobody, all the courage was obtained from the movie.

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