In “Superman and Me” Author Sherman Alexie was a native American who had faced racism during his childhood time. He talked about how superman in this superman comic as his hero that broke down the door and saved other. It result that this comic book taught Alexie the ability to read and write, and he view it as the way to help other native American from racism.

In “The Movie That Change My Life” Author Terry Mc Millan was a woman who had suffer by poor childhood condition and slavery life by her mom. At that time that movie “The Wizard of Oz” was her own way to escape because the character Dorothy had the similar condition like her. Dorothy’s escape home experienced taught her to be courage, and even how difficult the life were , you just need to believe yourself and that will be your  way out.

The similarity between two authors Sherman Alexie and Terry McMillan were both had facing difficult situation during their childhood time in order to became what they are now. During their childhood time, they both rely on something to help them learned imagination. This help them both became more strong  and had the ability to got out of their situation. Also, they both have been a writer base on their childhood experience. They learned how to read, write and express themself. In addition, the different was Sherman Alexie used superman comic as the guided to help. He imagined that he knew the word and pretend to read it out loud. This way let him learned faster them other child, and let him felt interesting about reading and writing. For him, reading and writing like superman that will help broke down racism and help other. The author Terry McMillan used the character Dorothy that in the  movie as her guided  to escape her unhappy world. During Dorothy ‘s escape, Terry McMillan was always there with Dorothy together. Dorothy taught McMillan to be courage, brave, imagine and take action. Of course, there may be all kind of difficulty or problem during the road, but just believe yourself. It will be your way. Both authors have similar situation made them what they are, but different experienced.

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