Monthly Archives: February 2017

summary and response paragraph

Kwame chad latiff


“I don’t believe you would have so warmly commended the police force if you had seen its angry violent dogs literally biting six unarmed, nonviolent Negros”. MLK makes it understandable how the people of color are harassed and patronized by the so-called justice force (police force) ironically, they do not provide justice to those of color but only pain. They give this treatment to those in the Birmingham jail  but also out of the jail, the system is unjust. This repetitive statement, we can see through the whole letter that MLK is telling the audience he is addressing that the times for people of color is hard there is no break, no rest but only pain and that there is only way to stop it. By standing up for what is right, the humane thing, moral and just.

Homework for March 1

Thanks for your hard work today.  A few notes:

-Please look over my feedback on Essay 1, and feel free to see me on Wednesday during office hours (1:30-3:30, Pearl 410) if you have further questions.

-Begin writing your draft of Essay 2.

-Complete the Summary and Response: (Re)Shaping Sentences worksheet.

-Bring the Sample Rhetorical Analysis Essay (under Readings), both King readings, and your completed Summary + Response (Re)Shaping Sentences worksheet to class. Reading the Sample RA Essay before class is highly recommended but not required.

-Consider revising Essay 1 and submitting it as a Personal Essay, to the Judith Walter category of the LAF Writing Competition:

-Remember, you should expect to spend up to 3-4 hours on homework and prepping for class!

Finally, here’s some notes from our Lab today: the sample Outline on Why We Don’t Write Outlines, and the sample outlines with “bad”/inconsistent Step 2 sentences.


Why we don’t outline:


  • Time constraints
  • We think we know what we’re going to say
  • As you’re writing, you “think as you go” – the ideas flow better that way
  • Outlining is better because… (ensures each paragraph has a point)


What’s wrong with the following outlines?  Identify the “wrong” Step 2 sentence.

Oxygen is essential for life.

-It helps keep trees alive.

-People need it to breathe.

-It helps to start fires (OFF-TOPIC – fire threatens life!)

Football practice is exhausting.

-You run until you’re so tired you can hardly move.

-You drive people out of the way until your legs feel like rubber.

-Afterwards you’re so tired you don’t feel like doing homework.  (CAUSE IS NOT EFFECT)

Painting a Room requires care.

-Preparing the room for painting requires care.

-Cleaning up afterward requires care.  (Not about the CENTRAL ACTION; WRONG SEQUENCE)

-Applying the paint requires care.



Professor Kwong

Brandon R.A paragraph 1

In the speech “I Have A Dream” by Dr. King, he speaks about the injustice that Negros must face in life. He mentions how all people should be equal and have the same rights, however, that is not the case. Dr. King talks about a dream of peace and equality for all people to share in. Dr. King reminds people that this is a dream he has for the future. However, if people do not come together in order to make this dream come true, then it will be something that stays in the past and will eventually be forgotten. This urges people to stand up for their freedom and fight against segregation. In this speech, the rhetorical feature that stands out to me is the use of metaphors. This rhetorical feature interests me because metaphors help view things as a figure of speech, in order to make something easier to understand. It gives an understanding of the situation so that you can be aware of the literal meaning behind the metaphor.

Will’s R.A. Essay, First Paragraph

Doctor Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous speech “I Have A Dream” was written not only to commemorate the Emancipation Proclamation’s 100th anniversary, but to urge his dominantly African American audience that their freedoms are long overdue. One rhetorical feature King used that spiked my interest was the use of the allusion, “taking the drug of gradualism” (405), when talking about America failing to give its citizens of color their unalienable rights. This interested me because King recognizes the fact that the entity responsible for segregation is hoping that the uprisings and protest just blow over and things will go back to normal. By using this analogy, King is urging his audience to be active in the movement before it loses its edge and demotivates people from trying to get their rights.

Roman’s R.A essay draft

In “I have a dream” by Martin Luther King Jr he speaks out on how he believes his people are not treated with equal rights and he explains how his people go through struggles. One rhetorical feature that interest me the most is the use of a metaphor in a quote “This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism”. He asserts that we shouldn’t take what they call a fair trade because it isn’t equal to his people. The white people want to benefit themselves more than African Americans. This quote explained the meaning of racial justice because it happens in modern times when other cultures will give an unequal choice to others.