Monthly Archives: January 2017

Homework for 2/1

Dear Class,

Thanks for your hard work today.  I’m looking forward to this semester, and I hope you are as well.  As stated in class, below are the homework instructions for next class.  Please use the reading questions to guide your reading.

HOMEWORK for 2/1 class:

-Review syllabus

-READ and ANNOTATE “Superman and Me,” with the following questions in mind:

1. How did Alexie’s worldview change after encountering Superman?

2. According to Alexie, how is a paragraph like a fence?

3. How does the author’s ethnic and economic background affect his attitude toward writing?

4.  What do you see about writing, reading, and/or racism that you didn’t see before reading this essay?


-Scan or take a picture of your second page of “Superman and Me,” with annotations included, and upload it to the appropriate dropbox here.

-PRINT and BRING TO CLASS “Superman and Me” and “The Movie That Changed 

My Life”





Professor Kwong

Welcome to English 1101!

Hello class,

Welcome to English 1101, section 342.  Please peruse the site before Monday’s class, getting familiar with the layout and information.  As you’ll see the Syllabus is divided into Course Policies and Weekly Schedule pages.  Feel free to get a head start on readings if you so desire.  See you at 10 AM on Monday in Midway 207!