A City Tech OpenLab ePortfolio

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Learning Self-Analysis

Being a professional nurse does not simply mean to follow the rules and protocols. I did not know what to expect from the Professional Nursing Practice course and I was concerned if the online class will be beneficial to me. Now, I believe every lecture showed me some new aspects of nursing and the discussions we had with other students were extremely beneficial for me to grow as a nurse. Some conversations were tense but it helped me to understand that the opinions of others should be respected even if they are completely against my believes. The debate project was interesting and stressful to me. I had to deal with the some controversial topic and I wan not sure how to  effectively present my point of view. The research I did on the issue was very time-consuming and I still was not  satisfied with my answers but I tried my best to convince my fellow students to sit down, analyze the problem, and draw conclusion.

I truly believe the Professional Nursing Practice class is beneficial. It shows the different aspects of nursing that I did not think about before even if they are important to me as a new nurse. I learned a lot and I think it was one of the most interesting courses I ever took in my college career.

Individual Strenghts

As a new graduate nurse it is difficult for me to reflect on my strengths even if I know I am a good nurse. I am very assertive and open to new challenges. Punctuality is extremely important to me because I think it shows a respect to others. I am a very caring and understanding person. My goal is to always treat others the same way I would like to be treated. I always happen to be an extremely good team player. I think that that adequate documentation it is very essential in this profession and that is why I pay a lot pf attention to detail. Cultural competence has great value to me and I respect the traditions, customs, religion, and believes of others.


Katarzyna Wojdyla, RN.


418 61 Street Apt 2A, Brooklyn, New York 11220, Email- Katarzyna.Wojdyla@mail.citytech.cuny.edu, Cell (718)785-7127


OBJECTIVE: To utilize my skills and experience in a manner that will provide exceptional care and security to my patients, their family members, and facility staff.



New York City College of Technology, Brooklyn, New York.

Bachelor of Science, B.S.., Expected date of graduation:  Fall 2017.

Dean’s List Award Fall 2016.


New York City College of Technology, Brooklyn, New York.

Associates of Applied Science in Nursing, December 2015

Dean’s List Award, Spring 2012, Fall 2011.

Highest G.P.A student whose country of origin is other than the USA – The Ramon F Cortes Award.

The Emerging Scholars Program Member, Spring 2011, Fall 2011, and Spring 2012.



Staff Nurse

Queens Boulevard Endoscopy Center, Queens, NY, December 2016-Present

Experience in PACU, IV, and Pre-procedure assessment.



Community Nursing at Kings County Hospital (Fall 2016)

Leadership Nursing at Maimonides Hospital (Fall 2016)

Medical Surgical Unit at Maimonides Hospital (Fall 2015)

Labor and Delivery at Kings County Hospital (Spring 2015)

Psychiatric Unit at Maimonides Hospital (Fall 2014)

Medical Surgical Unit at Maimonides Hospital (Spring 2014)

Medical Surgical Unit at Kings County Hospital (Fall 2013)

Medical Surgical Unit at Coney Island Hospital (Spring 2013)

Fundamentals of Nursing at an NYU Lutheran Medical Center (Fall 2012)



Registered Nurse, State of New York, March 2016- Present

BLS Certificate, June 2016-Present

ACLS Certificate, December 2016-Present

Certified OraQuick Advance HIV – ½.

Fluent in English and Polish.

SBIRT training, December 2016



Park Slope Senior Citizens Center

Polish Parents Help

NZOZ Neurospec, Neurologic Clinic in Jaroslaw, Poland



Fourth Annual Nursing Research Conference

Nursing Philosophy


Being a Human In the Twenty-First Century

        During the most difficult and amazing years of my life that I spent at NYCCT, as a nursing student, I always was had Watson’s theory, in the back of my head. I was reading and trying to understand what she really wanted to pass to the future nurses. I attended many clinicals and that was the time I finally understood what type of a nurse I want to be and how Jean Watson can guide me throughout my practice. I developed my own philosophy of nursing and I’m still analyzing how it corresponds to the world we live in. I learned a lot during the associate program, I passed my NCLEX and I’m in the bachelor program, in order to grow as a nurse. But there are a few things that all nurses should have and that can’t be trained or learnt: understanding, compassion, respect, and commitment. I would be a nurse without those characteristics.
My philosophy and goal, as a nurse, is to support my patients and their families. I truly believe that nursing is not just handing out medications, following the doctors’ orders, and getting a paycheck every week. It’s much more than that and no one will be a successful nurse if they don’t realize that, before they enter the nursing program. I always treat my patients the way I would like to be treated by the other nurse. I imagine it could be my family member and I take care of the client as good as I can, with all my heart. Working in a long term care facility showed how delicate and vulnerable the other person can be. It’s a responsibility to speak up for them, to protect, and advocate for them. Many clients are lonely and it’s my duty to substitute their missing family during the difficulties moments of sickness. Working at the clinic  opened my eyes as well: people are afraid of an unknown. I see frightened clients every day at my work. It’s my obligation to reassure them that everything will be well. They are so confused on what to do when they leave the center. And again, it’s me, who should direct them on what to do next.

Nursing has many faces- I am not “only” a nurse. I am a teacher, a healer, a supporter, and an advocate every day. My philosophy of nursing can seem too simple, but when observing the world around me, I am afraid that it is not that obvious to everyone. Being a human, with a good heart and who uses the gained knowledge to help others, is the key.