Being a professional nurse does not simply mean to follow the rules and protocols. I did not know what to expect from the Professional Nursing Practice course and I was concerned if the online class will be beneficial to me. Now, I believe every lecture showed me some new aspects of nursing and the discussions we had with other students were extremely beneficial for me to grow as a nurse. Some conversations were tense but it helped me to understand that the opinions of others should be respected even if they are completely against my believes. The debate project was interesting and stressful to me. I had to deal with the some controversial topic and I wan not sure how to  effectively present my point of view. The research I did on the issue was very time-consuming and I still was not  satisfied with my answers but I tried my best to convince my fellow students to sit down, analyze the problem, and draw conclusion.

I truly believe the Professional Nursing Practice class is beneficial. It shows the different aspects of nursing that I did not think about before even if they are important to me as a new nurse. I learned a lot and I think it was one of the most interesting courses I ever took in my college career.