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Image result for effects screens have on kids
This image is meant to show the effects that phones and tablets have on a child’s creativity

Kids today are being exposed to tablets and smartphones at younger ages and due to this it its causing a lot of psychological effects it their brains and development. Its causing young children to lack social skills and the ability to think deeply or focus for long periods of time. Parents are left wondering how to guide their young children when their being exposed to the internet. Also they have to adapt to this change that their brains continue to grow. Due to this parents are concereded because there kids are learning things that they shoudn’t, due to tablets and phones that are given to them. This is ā€œcausing great concern for parents who question how best to guide their children in the use of this omnipresent technology.ā€ it makes them wonder how this is going to affecrt their future develoment if this continues. Due to this there are still many unansered questions regarding the brains develoment in kids ā€œseveral areas that remain unknown about the effect of digital media on childrenā€.

Image result for childrens brains that have been exposed to screen time

Parents give their children tablets and smartphones mostly to keep them quite, but what parents don’t realize is that face to face time is much more imporant. Since childeren are being exposed to tablets and smartphones at an eariler age they end up lacking in social areas,creativity and motor skills. Children who are not exposed to new enviorments end up with parts of the brain that arent as active or developed as children who are exposed to these things” Children need a diverse menu of online and offline experiences, including the chance to let their minds wander.”. Even if parents read to their child once a day shapes their brains better than a tablets and smartphones can.

There are ways for parents to help guide their children steer them away from tablets and smartphones with out having to do this as punishment. For example limiting screen time and replacinging it with educational content. Phones and tablets offer unlimited entertainment and by adding some kind of education value to it can lessen the negitive effects it has on kids. Also parents can establish rules for when screens are alowed to be used