4. Academic

The New York City College Of Technology
Karol Prado
Sociology 1101
Research Paper: Culture
Professor Lemekh

The topic I chose is culture. I decided to choose culture because I believe it is an important part of every day life and society, but what exactly is culture ? Culture is the totality of learned sociological transmitted values, norms, symbols, language and knowledge.
Many may interpret Culture one way while others interpret the term 
completely different. One may say culture only has to do with where you were born, or what language you speak. What they don’t know is that it is actually based on several things that they never knew had to do with culture. I honestly believed that culture was only based on how you were raised by your parents or family and their teachings were passed down from their parents and ancestors and now passed down to me. In sociological terms, culture does not refer solely to the fine arts and refined intellectual taste. It consists of all objects and ideas within the society.# Culture depends on the individual. Some may share the same culture because of the things they eat or the way they prepare their food or how they build their home or structure their family. Many may fall under the same category because they happen to share the same culture. 

Culture is a way of living and it consists of values, norms, symbols, language and knowledge. In order to understand what Culture consists of, you must understand exactly what it is. Values are deeply held criteria for knowing what is right and what is wrong. Having a conscious and knowing that there will be consequences if you do something good or bad. Norms are rules and guidelines on how to behave in different societies. They may include washing your hands before eating dinner and covering your mouth when you cough. There are two types of norms, mores and folkways. Mores are norms that people consider vital for society survival. Basically following the society’s rules in order to not serve severe consequences. Folkways are informal norms that follow every day habits. Symbols are objects, gestures, sounds or images that represent something other than them selves. Language is an abstract system of word meaning and symbols for all aspects. Finally, knowledge refers to the body of facts and beliefs 
As you can see values, norms, symbols, language and knowledge builds up the concept of Culture. Each culture has their own rules and guidelines for living in society and whether you choose to follow them or not you will have to deal with consequences. But then there is also sub-culture and dominant culture and over all they are both different from culture. Sub-culture refers to a group of people with slightly distinct values, norms, symbols, languages and knowledge. Meaning that subculture is a group of people within a specific culture. For example there is American culture and the a subculture would be athletes. Then there is dominant culture which refers to the group of people who have the most political power in society and have the capacity to impose their culture on other people. The dominant culture in American culture would be the government because they have the most political power over anyone else. Both sub-culture and dominant culture have their own rules and guidelines. 
According to Schaefer culture is the totality of learned, socially transmitted customs, knowledge, material objects, and behavior. It includes the ideas, values and artifacts of groups of people. Patriotic attachment to the flag of the United States is an aspect of culture as well as passion for the tango in Argentina.# In a sense I agree with Schaefer because as each generation evolves, the culture of that society will change. Not everything will stay the same. Perhaps 20 or 30 years ago the American culture has not completely changed but in a sense it has. I believe that culture does not change completely but it still changes. For example your great, great, great grand mother listened to slow soothing ballads and now you listen to hip-hop and R&B. 
This paper has proven what culture is in a sociological term and what I believe culture is. I have stated what consists within culture and two different groups of people that are with in a specific culture in society. I stated that I agree with Richard T. Schafer because his view on culture is now how I view culture. In conclusion I now understand that culture not only has to do with the way your parents raise but it also has to do with everything that surrounds you. Such as the people, food, habits, 

Schaefer, Richard T.. Sociology: a brief introduction. 6th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2006. Print.

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