1. Introduction

Welcome to my ePortfolio. My name is Karol Prado and I am eighteen years old. I am currently enrolled in New York City College of Technology as a Human Services Major. The reason i chose Human Services as my major was simple, i wanted to follow in my older sisters’ foot steps. Her name is Rosa, and I look up to her. She is my role model because out of my fathers’ four children she was the only one who enrolled into college. I wanted to prove to my parents that I can be successful as my sister. I come from a family of immigrants. My parents are immigrants from Ecuador and Peru. I am very proud of my diverse culture.  I believe that my parents are my motivation to becoming a successful Human Services worker. I know exactly what they have experienced coming to and being in this country and that is why they are my motivation. They came to this country for a better life and to have their own family. As part of their family, it is my job to make my parents proud and to let them know that I am successful because of their motivation. This is why I am currently pursuing my Associates in Applied Science in Human Services and I am hopeful to continue on to pursue with my Bachelors. I am expected to graduate on June 2015. My professional interest involves Immigration/Multicultural Issues.

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