As part of my experience as a teacher as well as the content taught through college courses such as EDU 3630 – Assessing Student Learning Outcomes, I have been able to craft different kinds of assessments to measure what students have learned. My college classes as well as classroom experiences have driven the importance of continuous assessment home, as I never realized the importance until being in the situation. Assessment in all forms (formative and summative) is extremely crucial as an educator to help gauge the direction in which your classroom is heading, and if students are learning according to the objectives that you have set for the lesson. Learning how to properly craft test questions, as well as the components required for creating a “good” test have also been valuable to me as an educator. A final point that I would like to note that has also been important for me throughout the course of my career so far is sensitivity to learner characteristics when crafting tests. A good teacher must keep in mind the student demographic, language barriers, special needs, and cultural information about the students as each of these pieces of information are crucial when putting together tests.


Here is a sample of test questions created that will be used one day in a classroom, as a result of a project in EDU 3630.

Sample of test questions