lab #2

Source code:

numStr=raw_input(‘Please enter a number:’)
numStr2=raw_input(‘Please enter a number:’)

print’the sum of ‘,intVar,’ and ‘,intVar2,’ is: ‘,intVar+intVar2
print’the difference of ‘,intVar,’ and ‘,intVar2,’is:’,intVar-intVar2
print’the product of ‘,intVar,’ and ‘,intVar2,’is:’,intVar*intVar2
print’the quotient of ‘,intVar,’ and ‘,intVar2,’is:’,intVar/intVar2


The first four lines are codes for entering two numbers in python.Then in the next four are codes to give us a value when they are added, subtracted,multiplied, and divided. as you see in the picture the numbers that i chose were 25 an five and below them are the results that I wanted to get from the codes above.