Learning Self-Analysis for the Program

The baccalaureate nursing program at the New York City College of Technology has helped me to grow in my profession.  I have gained an enormous amount of knowledge and skills that I will be able to carry out in my field as a Registered nurse and in my personal life.  My experience in the nursing program has been an incredible one. It has build up my character and exposed me to many things that I was not able to do.  One of the weaknesses that I had was speaking in public, but courses such as case management, community health, and leadership forced me to face my fears.  I was able to conduct presentations and participate in discussions. I learned in my Leadership course that we must be assertive in order to advocate for our patients.

The courses in the baccalaureate program have taught me about the wide range of issues that we face in this society.  As nurses, we can incorporate what we learned to make changes.  I especially was interested in community nursing and urban health.  These courses have opened my eyes to the many opportunities that are out there for nurses to get involved with.  This semester, in my urban clinical rotation, I was able to participate in a mentoring program called Amachi, which involves children at PS. 184 who have a parent in prison.  This mentoring program was a life changing experience for me.  I learned that there is so much to do in communities where there is so little opportunity for jobs, health care and education.  As a student at City Tech, I learned to value the education that I was receiving and the experiences that came along with it.

The nursing program at City Tech has given me not only knowledge, but a sense of pride in the profession that I am in.  It has helped me realize how important the efforts that we take every day to better ourselves and our communities. I have grown as a person, and discovered valuable lessons that I will take with me.