My principal strengths lie in the fact that I am self-motivating, organized, practical, patient, punctual, reliable, and a team player. What that translates to day to day is that  if I become aware of a situation which needs attention, I will feel it incumbent upon myself to start the ball rolling to get it handled. I am practical enough to choose my battles, however, and I  will not charge head-on into the fray, but rather, will analyze the five W’s of who, what, where, when  (maybe over a long period of time, probably not tomorrow), and how best to approach a modification. I will work  cooperatively with others, appreciating the contribution each person can bring to the table, freely admitting where I have shortcomings and need help, as I simultaneously share my strengths. If I promise to do something, I will perform it to time. I am able to manage that last because I am organized. Long experience has taught me to be an accurate estimator of how long it will take to complete a given task, allowing an adequate time slot for it. I well understand that I am no robot, so if it is particularly onerous I give myself the grace of two time slots, one to be procrastinated upon, and still finish timely.  Finally, I understand that we are all fallible, we make mistakes and do not have time machines to remedy them, so people need  look forwards to the process of repairing what is reparable and subsequently changing process to avoid their repetition.