Lab Description:
This is a program that people have options to choose the methods of the calculations.
option=1 while option < 7: option = input("select and option: (1)Sum numbers(2)Subtract numbers(3)Multiply numbers(4)Divide numbers(5)Remainder of numbers numbers(6)Compare numbers(7)Exit") if (option ==7): exit if (option ==1): def addition(a,b): c=a+b print c return x=input ("enter value x") y= input ("enter value y") addition(x,y) if (option ==2): def subtraction(a,b): c=a-b print c return x=input ("enter value x") y= input ("enter value y") subtraction(x,y) if (option ==3): def multplication(a,b): c=a*b print c return x=input ("enter value x") y= input ("enter value y") multplication(x,y) if (option ==4): def division(a,b): c=a/b print c return x=input ("enter value x") y= input ("enter value y") division(x,y) if (option ==5): def remainder(a,b): c=a%b print c return x=input ("enter value x") y= input ("enter value y") remainder(x,y) elif (option ==6): def comparsion(a,b): if a < b: print 'x is less than y' elif a > b: print 'x is greater than y' else: print 'x and y are equal' return x=input ("enter value x") y= input ("enter value y") comparsion(x,y)