Histology : Macro and Micro dontia

This research project allowed me to expand my knowledge about teeh that are larger or smaller than average which is a very common dental morphology to be seen while patient come for regular dental check. Macrodontia are associated with crowding, malocclusion and impaction unless treated. In contrast, microdontia often involved lateral incisors and third molars which will not cause as much complication or just need simple extraction.

Oral Pathology: HIV

As a hygienist, it is inevitable to encounter this type of disease while practicing. This is the  disease that human still have no cure for it. All we can do is combine multiple drugs to prolong the patient’s life. Therefore, we need to know the transmission route, cause of disease, how to prevent it. Although dental hygienists can not diagnose AIDS, however, we should know the possible symptoms, lesions  extraoral and intraoral.

Periapical pathology

A chronic inflammatory lesion around the apex of a tooth root, most commonly caused by bacterial invasion of the pulp of the tooth. As dental hygienist, we need to educate patients to have good oral hygiene daily to remove the plaque timely, so bacteria will not have the chance to invade tooth via pulp or sulcus.

Perio Group Case Assigment

I was given an opportunity along with my group members to expand the knowledge on a patient who have multiple medical conditions and discuss possible clinical treatments, guidance to patient. Thus, this enhanced my clinical skill and provided suitable service for patient.

Pharmacology  Echinacea

Echinacea is a herbal medicine which boost IgG which is the most numerous immunoglobulin in our body ( IgM 6%, igG 80%, igA30%, igE 0.002%, igD 1% ).  Although, Echinacea has no effect on dental treatment, it is not recommend to take every day as daily supplement. The best timing is when you have flu, and need to boost the production of igG in your body temporarily.