Hi there! My name is Mike Lin and I enjoy working hands-on especially in an enclosed small space while I was in college. Therefore, when I graduated, one of my friends suggested to me to try studying dentistry in the Philippines. The tuition was also very affordable there so I began my journey studying dentistry. I stayed a total of 4 years in the Philippines. Although the living conditions were not ideal and many people did not have enough food nor clean water, they still remained very optimistic. This allowed me to see things differently especially when I felt defeated.

During my dental residency, most of my cases I encountered were dental extractions. There is a saying that ā€œPrevention Is Better Than The Cureā€. In my mind, I knew that oral hygiene education is the key for preventing this from happening. However, oral hygiene instruction was never the main focus among civilians nor was it taught in the dental field in the Philippines.

In order to change how people maintained their oral hygiene care, I decided to switch my career path to Dental Hygiene and I feel this is what I really want to do as my future career.