Daily Agenda

Scavenger Hunt Starter File Download
Instructions: Download this file and remove the ppt extension so the file ends with .rvt
Revit version 2017 (Revit version 2017 will upgrade when opened)

Credits:   Tutorials by Prof. Paul C. King unless otherwise noted
Day 01 Introduction to Building Technology III
Activity 1              Introduction to course.  Review of syllabus / course outline.

Activity 2              Learn to Read Drawings: In class observation discussion, review of isometric building sections showing the assembly of buildings.  What do you see?

Activity 3              Introduction to Revit, the user interface, Building Information Modeling, project files and families.  Review the scavenger hunt project file.

Assignment 1.0   Scavenger Hunt:  Create three studies formatted on sheets. Create multiple coordinated views. (Plans, elevations, sections and isometric) PDF due day 2.

Assignment 2.0   Building Case Study Boards:  Identify three potential case study subjects, format each on an 11 x 17 sheet (landscape). Pinup due day 2.

Assignment 3.0   Facade Case Study Boards:  Identify three potential case study subjects for each façade type. Format 11 x 17 sheet (landscape). Pinup due day 5.

Scavenger Hunt Starter File Notes:  Openlab does not support uploads of Revit (.rvt) files.  To work around this issue the file has been renamed as a Powerpoint file with the extension .pptx – after download remove this extra extension so the file ends with .rvt  (to see file extensions you must change your file manager settings – see handout)
Handout – File Manager – show extensions
Scavenger Hunt Starter File Download release 2017
Day 02 Scavenger Hunt & Building Case Study Pinup

Activity 1              Building Case Study Board Pinup: Review and discuss case study projects.  Select projects and setup teams.  Review first research assignment.

Activity 2              Scavenger Hunt:  Review plotted PDF. Continue Revit.  What makes a good story?  Discuss inquiry methods – how is the building assembled?   How to layout a sheet.  Adding annotation and dimensions.  Naming sheets.  Red mark session.

Assignment 1.2   Scavenger Hunt:  Final presentation for scavenger hunt due next class.

Assignment 2.1   Case Study Research Presentation:  Teams to visit case study buildings before next class.  Presentation of photographs and research presentation showing additional information about building.  Presentation in PowerPoint.

Day 03 Scavenger Hunt & Case Study Review

Activity 1              Scavenger Hunt Final Pinup: Final Pinup.  In class student / professor grading.

Activity 2              Building Case Study Review: Team PowerPoint presentations.

Activity 3              Introduction to 3D Revit Families:  Creating parametric 3d Revit families and assembling these in a project file.  In class creation of a steel column and a steel beam and assemble in position as start of connections assignment.

Assignment 4.1   Steel Connections:  Based on Building Construction Illustrated: 3rd Edition: 7.24   Goal is to recreate the page including all steel pieces, assemble in place, add annotation and dimensions and present on titleblocks.  Focus of each detail study is to include multiple coordinated views (plan, elevations and section) First sheet with overall composition due for next class.  ½” or ¾” scale.

Day 04 Steel Connections: Overall Studies

Activity 1              A steel building from the ground up: Lecture/discussion on construction of steel frame buildings (foundations, columns and beams, floor systems, roof systems, exterior wall systems.  Review photos of construction.

Activity 2              Continue 3D Revit Families:  Build 3D families.  Assemble project files.   Create callout views at 1 ½” and 3” = 1’-0”.  Layout detail studies on titleblocks.

Assignment 3.2   Steel Connections:  Develop first sheets.  1 full composition.

Day 05 Steel Connections: Detail Studies & Façade Case Study Pinup

Activity 1              Facade Case Study Pinup.

Activity 2              Connections Pinup #1: In class pinup, review and discussion.

Activity 3              Steel Connections: Lecture/discussion – a closer look at steel assembly.

Activity 4              Continue 3D Revit Families:  Build 3D families.  Assemble project files.   Create callout views at 1 ½” and 3” = 1’-0”.  Layout detail studies on titleblocks.

Assignment 3.3   Steel Connections:  Develop first sheets.  1 full composition.

Day 06 Steel Connections: Detail Studies

Activity 1              Connections Pinup #1: In class pinup, review and discussion.

Activity 2              Steel Connections: Lecture/discussion – a closer look at steel assembly.

Activity 3              Continue 3D Revit Families:  Build 3D families.  Assemble project files.   Create callout views at 1 ½” and 3” = 1’-0”.  Layout detail studies on titleblocks.

Assignment 3.4   Steel Connections:  Develop 4 sheets.  1 full composition and 3 detail sheets.

Day 07 Steel Connections: Detail Studies

Activity 1              Connections Pinup #2: In class pinup, review and discussion. In class grading.

Activity 2              Steel Connections: Lecture/discussion – a closer look at steel assembly.

Activity 3              Continue 3D Revit Families:  Build 3D families.  Assemble project files.   Create callout views at 1 ½” and 3” = 1’-0”.  Layout detail studies on titleblocks.

Assignment 3.5   Steel Connections:  Final study due in two classes.

Assignment 1.3   Case Study Development:  All students must be prepared to begin drawing their case study buildings during next class.  Teams/individuals must know plan dimensions, location of structure, and floor to floors spacing.

Day 08 Case Study Development- Structural layout

Activity 1              Start Case Study Project File:  Create individual case study project files.  Create grids and levels, select titleblock size and layout sheets.

Activity 2              Discussion of case studies:  Map out case study goals & focus, set deadlines, define research, assign team responsibilities.  Review required drawings list and presentation requirements and schedule of graded deadlines.

Assignment 4.1   Field Trip:  Meet at Home Depot – next class.

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