Scavenger Hunt Grading Statistics

The Scavenger Hunt Projects are graded in Blackboard. If you did not submit and received an F/0 grade you have until next class to submit your work. After that the F grade will remain. For these late submissions your final grade will be dropped one full grade as it is important that you participate in all pinups and that work be submitted on time. (For example, if your work is A quality the grade would be dropped to a B)

Below are grading statistics for both classes for your reference.



Selecting your best study – rework is based on comments and make it better.  This assignment will need to be plotted full size at 22 x 34.  You should consider plotting it today and marking it up before  you rework it.


Add additional redmarks and comments to your plotted sheets.  You can team up with someone and redmark eachothers- then scan and post these here on OpenLab as jpg images (not a pdf).  Make certain you select the category (01 Scavenger Hunt).  Name the post  SCAVENGER HUNT AM or PM – FirstName LastName


  • Create a project site and send me a link
  • Visit your building – take photos and start documenting
  • Send me email confirmation of your building and facade choices

Don’t Panic! – Message for afternoon class only

Annotation (notes and dimensions) was not covered in your class. You can submit your assignments without this added – and it will not affect your grade.  If you do add it – this will count extra towards your grade.

You still need to meet the same deadline.

For the morning group – the annotation is required for this submission,


  • All of these assignments will be graded! 
  • All must be uploaded to blackboard!
  • All must be printed!

Due date us Tuesday Evening September 4th by Midnight

01 Scavenger Hunt –

  • Upload single PDF of all three studies to Blackboard
  • Upload your revit file to Blackboard
  • Print your PDF at 50% onto 11 x 17 sheets for pinup in the hall.

You must print before class begins and not during class or your assignment will be marked late and downgraded.  Printing is not allowed to disrupt class time.

02 Building Case Study Selection – DUE FOR CLASS ON SEPT 5th

  • Format at least 3 possible choices on 11 x 17 sheets and print before class.  We will pinup and review these to make final selections.
  • Upload a PDF version of the boards to Blackboard by Midnight the 4th

03 Facade Case Study Selection –  DUE FOR CLASS ON SEPT 5th

  • Format at least two choices for each material type – so for example two possible choices for curtain wall and two possible choices for your other material.  You should be telling us both the material choice and the building location.
  • Upload a PDF version of the boards to Blackboard by Midnight the 4th