

Have you really ever sat down and thought about how many of us use technology inside of our classrooms, or even outside of class?

With the rapid growth in technology, a new form of educational technology has evolved.

For those that are unaware of what Educational technology is, Its basically the use of both physical hardware and education which facilitates and performs improvements by using technological resources

For example, using tablets with lessons and computer-based training.

Today educational technology is used and for new methods of e-learning. And some schools even supply students with the technology they can use in the classroom while learning to make their education a bit more digital.

I conducted some research, which showed that although technology in classrooms can be effective and lead to a lot of positive outcomes. It also unfolds some concerns.

Which leads to this question… 

Will all students be able to access and leverage this type of technology?

And will Educational Technology change the environment in classrooms?

While researching my questions I was able to discover that some students really had a positive impact with new online learning and they preferred online teaching as opposed to in-person teaching.

Some were able to earn degrees online while working full time. And gain impressive computer skills that will help with future job expectations.

But then it also led me to discover that teachers are cautious about technology in classrooms because of the lack of stimulation.

Teachers fear that technology can hinder the teacher-student relationship. 

I also learned that not all students have access to technology at home which makes it harder for them to participate in e-learning or required online homework duties 

With all of my research, I was able to put together an e-portfolio showcasing the impact of educational technology and sources for both sides of Ed-tech, Along with the impact and downfall of educational technology.

I hope you enjoy it!!