Department Advisement Liaison, 2010-present
Knowing so many faculty are concerned about their proficiency in advising student, special attention must be made to train and address concerns on a regular basis. Therefore, I take the position of advisement liaison seriously and break down my work into a variety of topics to address faculty and student concern.
New and Junior Faculty Training: Finding it important to prepare new faculty for success, they participate in a one year training whereby they learn to read and use the tools supporting advisement (worksheet, degree works, college catalog,…), CUNY Common Core requirements, available programs to support student success (veterans affairs, SEEK, counseling, SGA…), internships and finally, with student permission, new faculty sit in on advisement sessions before they themselves advise students. In 2016 and 2017, Profs. Warner and Kim participated in the training and in 2014 and 2015, Profs. Abreu, Garcelon, Walljasper participated. Outcomes included better use of tools, more efficient preparation. Prof. Warner is now the department’s “Nudges to the Finish Line” advisor and Prof. Walljasper joined the “Student Ready Department” pilot committee.
Faculty Training, HMGT: I design and facilitate advisement sessions, provide resources, mentor faculty with the goal of creating an effective advisement process for all students and faculty. To accomplish these goals, I work closely with the department chair.
In the interest of developing a relationship with our partners in ASAP, SEEK and the New Student Center I lead training sessions with the department chairperson, continually updating our partners on changes in the curriculum. Accuracy is important and their contact with students needs to reflect a partnership and be effective.
- Review and update Department advisement material to reflect City Tech General Education Common Core Curriculum (spring 2016, fall 2014, spring 2014, fall 2013)
- Work with department chair to create a more accurate degree audit, degree maps and “my academic planner”. (2017/2018)
- Facilitate faculty training
- Reading a Student’s Degree Audit (2018)
- Double Duty Courses, “My Degree Planner” (2017)
- Comparing what faculty and students expect from advisement (2016)
- Considerations for Advisement (spring 2016 and fall 2015)
- What our Students Need in the Advising Process (spring 2015)
- Focus on Upper Juniors and Seniors: Liberal Arts and Interdisciplinary (fall 2014)
- Designed and lead faculty and student workshops to support transition to the City Tech General Education Common Core Curriculum (fall 2013, spring 2014 and fall 2014)
- Plan for the various opportunities, August 2010.
- Facilitate, with the department chairperson, bi-annual communication with Advisors in the new student center. (2010-present)