Patagonia is one of the thirty five major companies that are working with indigenous artisans in order to both create fair trade practices, as well as betting in the fight against fast fashion.  Patagonia’s company headquarters are located in the state of California and was founded by Yvon Chouinard. Yvon Chouinard began selling merchandise out of the back of his car and soon made enough money to grow. Patagonia’s mission is to provide Fair Trade certified collections. Also, Patagonia took on the role of advising other apparel companies how to successfully layer when creating their garments (THEGOODTRADE, 2019).

    What I see as the responsibility of the American apparel industry in global production, is to ensure that fair trade is being practiced all around the board. Even if companies are still in the process of “becoming more transparent with their manufacturing practices.” It is easier said than done, however taking the necessary steps can also make a great impact. Patagonia’s products are 100% eco-friendly. Yvon Chouinard started out hand making his products and later had to shift to machinemaking shortly after the company expanded greatly. From then on he introduced tools, dies and machinery to his products. (WIND,SANDANDSTARS,1939).

    Patagonia is sustainable from both a business and a financial perspective. They are credited for their fair trade outdoor apparel and they were one of the first brands to participate in the adoption of utilizing recycled materials and transitioning to organic cotton fully. They were also one of the earliest brands to defend the discussion of environmental ethics, in the activewear fashion industry. Due to this company’s mission and price range, I believe that they are in a position where they can definitely upscale. Their products range from both women’s and men’s outdoor apparel, swimwear, and activewear. Prices range from typically $50-$100 (THEGOODTRADE, 2019).

    Patagonia’s market demographic targets men, woman and kids from XXS sizes to XXL. Being that the price ranges from $50-$100 most consumers are able to afford Patagonia’s products (THEGOODTRADE, 2019). Compared to the other market items, Patagonia is in their own league do to both their business and financial aspects. For one, the type of brand that they stand for added onto the prices that they charge consumers is enough for them to excel in many other market prices that sell similar apparel. For this reason along with their outstanding company reputation I would buy Patagonia. Secondly, due to the fact that they specialize in outdoor apparel as a resident in New York City this is very important to me in the Winter season.

    I believe that what Patagonia has stood for, for the past 40 years and more is impeccable. They provide a very unique twist on the apparel industry, that many have and many should follow. They have made a name for themselves becoming if not the, they are one of the top apparel brands of all time!



Crispy, Crunchy,Savory Snacks. (n.d.). Retrieved from Link&src=cl&utm_medium=affiliate&pubid=155966&

Guide, S. (2019, January 08). 35 Fair Trade & Ethical Clothing Brands Betting Against Fast Fashion. Retrieved from



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