Category Archives: Coursework


Kezina Garnett

Community Health Nursing presented me with the opportunity to seek how to better accommodate the needs of the patients within the East Flatbush community. Through investigating through research and inquiring about what the East Flatbush may lack thereof. It provided me with the ability to seek how to make improvements within the community by enforcing health promotion, disease prevention, and maintenance of health. The discovery of such improvement was obtained by seeking information through health professional about the patients and their families and actively researching with the use of reliable resources. During my entire clinical rotation at Kings County, I was able to gain experiences through the breast and pediatric clinic and increase my knowledge about the resources that were provided.

Objective 1: Demonstrates individual professionalism through personal behaviors and appearance
I demonstrated professionalism by arriving at my clinical site within the designated time frame required and having all the materials needed to tackle my day. The materials that I traveled with were my notepad, pen, and my syllabus. I dressed in a professional business attire with the addition of my lab coat. I seek guidance by following the instruction of my professor pertaining to what she wanted us to do for the day. I assume the responsibility for my learning by actively asking questions toward the nurse and communicating my experience at post-conference with my professor and my peers. I was able to maintain confidentiality at post-conference by preventing myself from sharing the name of the patient I had encountered with and only discussing the experience that I was able to endure.

Objective 2: Employ analytical reasoning and critical thinking skills when providing care to individuals and families in the community setting.
I was able to apply analytical reasoning and critical thinking skills when communicating with nurses in the clinical area. Although, I wasn’t given the opportunity to perform client interview and collect information from medical records. I was able to gain the information I needed through staff nurses that were present. I was able to interview the nurses I would shadow and ask numerous questions about the care they provided to their patients. Through my questioning, I was able to discover that the patients that they often encountered, were high risk. The high-risk patients were diabetics, hypertensive, preterm labors, c-section, preeclampsia, bipolar, and so forth. The assessment of the impact of developmental, religious and spiritual influences was difficult to obtain due to inability to interact with patients. One thing I was able to gain an insight on through conversation was how the cultural aspect interplay with the health status of the people within the community. The nurse was able to inform me that a lot of the patients that come in are unwilling to change their eating habits due to the cultural food that they are accustomed to. It is seen as a difficult task to break out of because often times the patients would ask the nurse how can I give up something that tastes so good. So she will encourage them to reduce their portion size of the food they would desire and incorporate more vegetables into their diet. Unfortunately, I was unable to administer medications, but I was able to witness the nurse I was shadowing administer numerous vaccine to a 1-year-old female. I was able to maintain personal safety when working in the community by ensuring that I apply hand sanitizer before entering and after exiting the room of 1-year client to encourage for infection control.

Objective 3: Effectively communicate with diverse groups and disciplines using a variety of strategies regarding the health needs of individuals and families in the community setting.
I wasn’t presented with the opportunity to have a face to face interaction with patients and their families individually, but I was able to observe the interaction of a nurse with her own patient. I was able to observe her approach with both the mother and the toddler. She made sure that the parent was made aware of what she would be doing for the day and ask if it was okay for two students to be present during the process. Through this dialogue, it is seen that there is therapeutic communication made because the nurse was able to ask for the consent of the mother before performing intended actions. The mother was allowed to have a say in the welfare of her own child and not be denied of that known opportunity. Also, when it came to the toddler she was able to communicate in a soothing embrace towards the child while administering the vaccine to reduce the fussiness and crying that was occurring. Then she educates the mother about the use of a cool compress if swelling is present and ensure that it should not be too cold or too hot. There was clear and effective communication made with the nurse about the vaccinations that she will be administering. As well as the communication made between my instructor and peers as I was able to share my experiences on the pediatric floor.

Objective 4: Establish environment conducive to learning and use a plan for learners based on evidence-based practice
We decided that we will create a teaching plan by creating a presentation for the community that focused on asthma and the importance of receiving the flu vaccine. The presentation took place in the lobby where everyone was easily accessible. We educate parents about signs and symptoms to look out for and how to manage them as well as measures to take if a situation arises. The way we were able to evaluate the learning outcomes were to have return demonstration performed as reassurance that the education communicated was being met.

Objective 5: Utilize informational technology when managing individual and families in the community
The utilization of informational technology was accomplished by the use of the internet to gain information on the patients and family within the community. Although, there was no access to the client’s medical records through the computer database. I still took the opportunity to have my handy pen and notepad by my side to keep note of what information was provided to me. I would document on the types of population and groups faced and how health professional was able to overcome personal challenges with noncompliant patients as well as how they are able to meet the goals of each individual. I maintained strict confidentiality by preventing to share the information communicated to me about the patient with others. The information was only discussed with that nurse that shared such information with me and at post-conference with my professor and my peers.

Objective 6: Demonstrates a commitment to professional development
The demonstration of my commitment to professional development is portrayed in the way I continue to fulfilled acts of lifelong learning. I continue lifelong learning by using information that I research and what was taught to me through community nursing lecture in my clinical setting experience. We learn to discover ways to better accommodate the needs of people within the community through the resources that were held accessible to us. Also when out in the field the continuation of learning still should be enforced through evidence-based practice supporting the skills that are performed. It is essential to be up to date because we are within a practice that has an ever-changing healthcare system.

Objective 7: Incorporate professional nursing standards and accountability into practice
The utilization of the American Nurses Association applied to the practice that is within the standards of the hospital. The ANA Standards focuses on professional role and expectations of the public health registered nurse and how the nurse is expected to practice. This incorporates working within one’s scope of practice. Also, it focuses on the nursing process and how it can be applied to accomplish the goals set for that specific individual. When you are able to follow these guidelines you are able to fulfill the outcomes necessary to give the appropriate patient care needed within the health setting.

Objective 8: Collaborate with clients, significant support persons and members of the healthcare team.
I collaborate with the healthcare team effectively by always inquiring about what the people in the community lack as a collective. As well as what is done by the health professionals to overcome those barriers. Meanwhile asking these questions I was able to seek how can we leave an imprint on the community as we would leave. It was discovered that there was noncompliance with the administration of the flu vaccine. So we decided as a group to incorporate teaching towards these parents about the importance of receiving the vaccination. Especially, with the outbreaks of the death of children due to the fatalities of flu virus outspread. We decide to do our set of research on the CDC website investigating how individuals can seek to receive the flu vaccination as well as providing the benefits, in order to persuade the parents about the importance of receiving the shot.

Objective 9: Recognize the impact of economic, political, social and demographic forces that affect the delivery of healthcare services
King County facility has no limitation when it comes to the healthcare services, no matter what the individual stance is with their socioeconomic status. Healthcare services are still given, despite the absence of health insurance and financial circumstances. I would honestly say, the gaps seen in the care system is the communication of information provided to the patients. I feel that many healthcare professionals are more to hand patients flyers on immunization and information on different disease rather than explaining the benefits and the proper management of such information. Which I believe that both should be done not one or the other because little do we know the health literacy level of these individuals. It often overlooked the importance of clients level of reading and language barrier because of the patient’s embarrassment of communicating such information. It is essential to inquire about one’s health literacy level and ensuring that the information communicated is comprehended. The key aspect of comprehension is through the acts of return of demonstration because it gives the health professional the indicator that the information provided was properly understood.


Overall, my experiences has at Kings County taught me to use the resource around me to accommodate the patients in  the community.