Assignment: Chip Kidd

Chip Kidd’s strong suit is that he’s very good at engaging the audience of his talks while also relating them to his lessons through anecdotes.When attempting to get a point across, a story will always preface it, the lesson embedded in between. He knows how to keep attention on his talk with humor, almost to a fault.

Three new words and or terms I learned were photostat machine and rapidograph pen. I didnt know that a rapidograph was a specialized type of fountain pen used for tracing art, nor did I know that a photostat machine was used as a the older photocopier of the time.
Something. I learned about design from this talk is that you can show or you can tell, you do not do both. Once you can distill the essence of a design, you can either tell or show it to the audience.

My personal opinion on this talk is that he sometimes will go too far on his tangent and the point struggles to get through amidst the humor and the stories. While still engaging, sometimes one would have to pay extra attention to make sure that nothing was missed. This would require a re-watch or two, something I don’t enjoy.

However it does allow me to approach graphic design in a different way, instead of going straight at a task, I can instead focus on what the subject of the design, and then apply that towards creating it with inspiration from the task, the essence, and the trends of today.