Lab 1 Description
In this lab we will test the following commands: df, cal, free, cd, pwd, ls, file and less.
Command df:
The following command allows the user to see how much disk space is currently used in bytes and percentage in addition to disk space available.
Command cal:
The following commands allows the user to the currently calendar in accordance with the currently month and year where the current day is highlighted.
Command free:
This command shows the total memory, the amount of memory used, the amount of memory that is available, the amount of memory shared, temporary storage memory of buffers used, and the cache memory.
Command cd:
This command cd followed by a space with slash and the directory name allows for the user to change the current directory.
Command pwd:
This command shows the current directory the user is in.
Command ls:
This command shows the files and the sub directories of the current directory that the user is currently in which case the user is currently in the /home/keven directory so the following sub directories for folders are available.
Command file:
This command identifies the file type that is currently named in this case both the current files are both directories.
Command less:
This command allows the user view quickly any file and any part of the file. In the following the less -? command is used to bring up the which brings up a selection of additional commands that can be done with less and less –v shows the version history of less.