About Me

Hello everyone! Welcome to my e-portfolio. I am Kimberly Ann Del Fin. I am a registered nurse who is expecting to finish a bachelor’s degree program in Nursing in Spring 2019.  From there, I think I would continue my education to the master’s level. In terms of my nursing career, I am currently working full-time in a cardiac/sub-acute unit in a nursing home in Manhattan. Working there has inspired me to become a better nurse and to continue to learn. Thus, I would really love to see myself working in one of the prestigious hospitals in New York as a Critical Care Nurse.

This e-portfolio contains information of my journey as nurse as well as my experience as a student at New York City College of Technology. Nursing is a career that is challenging, interesting yet rewarding in the sense that a nurse can make a difference in somebody’s life. The satisfaction I feel every day at work by helping and taking care of my patient made me realize that I am in the right profession.