My name is Kimberly Cuevas and I am a 30 year old, Puerto Rican woman. I am currently enrolled in the Human Services program at the New York City College of Technology, and will be obtaining my Bachelors Degree in June 2015. The population I would like to work with after graduation is substance abuse, along with incarcerated individuals. The reason I selected this field is due to my personal experience with people I love, who suffer from alcoholism. I have seen their struggle to maintain employment and, at times, disconnect themselves from family and friends. In addition, I have seen first hand how drinking has often led to arrests, or imprisonment, causing me to gain knowledge of the court system. I would conduct research on agencies that offer programs in replacement of confinement, and work with attorneys to help minimize sentencing. I have also tried to help my loved ones with their drinking by being a “shoulder to lean on”,  confidant, and strength every time they felt the need to drink.

Part of being an effective human service provider is possessing outstanding leadership skills and in order to obtain a positive level of “leadership”, I feel I must analyze my inter qualities by reflecting on my past experiences. Another important skill to possess, and my greatest strength, is my ability to listen contently without passing judgment onto others. For quite some time, my family and friends would come to me whenever they had a problem, as I made sure to let them know I was always there to listen. I have learned over the years to not pass judgment on people, as I wouldn’t like it to be done to me. Everyone has a past, including myself, and everyone has regrets. The ability to understand, acknowledge, and learn from those past experiences and mistakes is the most important part of seeking help. Furthermore, to be as young as I am, I’ve experienced many obstacles in my life and therefore; I am more open and friendly, which will give my client’s the confidence they need to open up to me. I want my clients to become leaders in their own lives, as that would prove I was an effective leader to them.