STANDARD 36: Human service professionals hold a commitment to lifelong learning and continually advance their knowledge and skills to serve clients more effectively.

The above referenced Standard, as part of the Human Service Code of Ethics, simply means that we as Human Service professionals must be sure to continue our education, even post graduate school. Times are always changing, the world evolves, people evolve, and so we must be ready, willing, and able to assist each client’s individual needs. Within some professions, individual’s are required to renew their license by completing some sort of exam, proving that they are “continuing their education”. If we as Human Service workers aren’t knowledgeable about a new vulnerable population, or as a CASAC worker aren’t aware of the most recent drug that substance abusers are using, then how effective will we be in helping our consumers to reach optimal living? Clients come to us for support and assistance, so we must be able to give them that sense of stability, to ensure them that they are in the best possible care. I guess that’s where the saying comes from: “learn something new everyday”.

Although I have been debating for years about going to graduate school, the one school I have always wanted to attend is UCF (University of Central Florida). They offer a Master’s program in Social Work, in which I can also take additional classes to receive a certificate in criminal justice. Based on my first 3 blogs, everyone knows working with inmates is my goal, post graduation. The only problem I will have as far as being accepted into this program is since I am an out-of-state resident, I was advised by a UCF counselor to complete a semester of field work prior to enrolling for classes. However, with my grades and GPA, I shouldn’t have a problem meeting their academic standards. With that said, after completing my degree this semester, I will be relocating to Florida in hopes of beginning my journey to obtaining a Masters Degree.

I have been enrolled at City Tech since 2004, trying to obtain my degree in Human Services. With the loss of my parents, work, finances, and in a nutshell “LIFE”, graduation slipped further and further away from me. But with all the struggles I’ve faced and survived, somehow I’m still here, going strong. Now my focus is to do what I have to do for myself and for my parents, to make them proud, so they can know that I will be alright. Obtaining my bachelors degree isn’t just for the pure satisfaction of getting a better job, it means no matter how many times I got knocked down, I survived!