
Katherine Chooi is a creative, multitasking, organizing, fast learner and adapt to new environment who had experience in multi cultures in different countries. Highly-motivated with desire to take on new challenges. Strong worth ethic, adaptability and exceptional interpersonal skills. Adept at working effectively unsupervised and quickly mastering new skills.

The company mission statement is to success in career such as achieving global fashion management. In order to achieve that, the company mission is to be expand her network in different countries such as East Asia and Europe. Besides, as a multilingual is definitely a plus and benefit for her to expand her network in different countries especially China. Furthermore, she is passion on building or creating craft such as pottery. Lastly, she uses her education and life experiences to develop and carry out her vision. 

Katherine’s logo Illustration was created with symbols which are palette, heels, foot prints and frame. The colors in the logo is illustrated with pastel pink and purple which presented royalty, wisdom, or spirituality. The connection between the colors and symbols are represented Katherine’s identity. 

Obtaining objectives and goals will be motivate Katherine’s toward her dream. It is important for her to stick with the plans on her goal and becoming a better person.

Achieve a master in 1 year

  • Obtain a Master’s Degree in Global fashion management
  • Achieving at least 3.6GPA and above
  • Aiming for Scholarship
  • Work things according to plans which also means that complete the Master’s Degree in one year.

Achieve Buyer Position after graduate

  • Join American Purchase Society
  • Achieve a certificate from CPP, CPPM CGPP, CPDW or other industry professional
  • Gained experience from different position such as work for few internships.

Learn a new crafting skill

  • Learn and achieve basic doll making skill for additional skill learning.
  • Create a blog or social media of the progress of doll making
  • Get to the handmade market selling

Work International

  • Achieve Global fashion buyer position
  • Adapt and learn culture from different countries.
  • Learn a new language