Throughout my education I gained a lot of knowledge about the nursing profession. I was able to develop my skills and gained individual strengths. One of theses strength is communication. As a nurse I have to find different ways to communicate with patients and coworkers. Communication is very important because you have to teach the patient as well as talk to other individuals involved in the patient’s care. You also have to work as a team and I think that working well with others is one of my strengths. Taking care of patients involves an interdisciplinary approach including nurses, doctors, social workers, etc. It is important as a nurse to be able to work well with other to provide the patient with the best possible care. Another strength I believe I have is that when I am unsure of something I always ask for assistance. No one knows everything so it is important to ask question especially when you don’t know something. Being open to new things is another strength because in healthcare there are always changes being made. New technologies are developed and new policies are created so it is important as a nurse to be up to date and open to these changes.