

This page is to further expand on the topic of the effects of technology and highly advanced machinery on employment. It has become an ongoing debate in which whether technology causes people to lose their jobs, which financially sustains them in order to live and feed themselves.

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In the article, we can see just how it’s estimated that these machines will take over jobs, as workers become more and more obsolete. Some people have trouble understanding this situation and are very troubled by this because as machines keep advancing they’ll keep taking over regular workers. These workers become frustrated as they can’t keep up with such high tech equipment that can do many more things at once than they can. It is because of this that it becomes more apparent that many workplaces that handle manufacturing would much rather prefer the work of something faster, can produce more at once and longer-lasting, which would ultimately save such a large cost for them.


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This is also a source in which worry is also shown as the unemployment and underemployment rates gradually increase. It seems that the rates for those who don’t meet certain standards increase higher and higher when they are compared to the capabilities of a machine. In fact, it is stated “Some 30 to 45 percent of the working-age population around the world is underutilized—that is, unemployed, inactive, or underemployed. This translates into some 850 million people in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, Brazil, China, and India alone”. These statistics are quite shocking as the number of the working-age population is such a great amount due to being underutilized when compared to machines.


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Although many would say the effects of technology has been overall negative towards the working population, many would argue that technology has actually become a helpful tool towards employment. This article states many of the positive and negative outcomes of the use of advancing technology in the workplace. For example, some of the more positive effects are easier communication, creating skilled jobs, improved work performance, and increased salaries.