Collection Development Committee, Sharon Swacker (chair)
- Co-facilitate reference weeding project in 2017
- Develop strategies for selection and deselection that address building a physical and electronic collection that adequately addresses the teaching needs of NYCCT departments and colleges
- Monitor trends and best practices related to collection development and make recommendations to the department about acquisitions
- Adhere to budgetary guidelines and regulations for the use of NYCCT funds earmarked for collection development
Instruction Committee, Anne Leonard (chair)
- Updated the English 1101 Libguide to complement that learning that occurs in English 1101 online courses. See libguide here: English 1101
- Developed an online presentation for using Academic Search Complete. View here: ASP
- Working with committee to update English 1101 handout. See: updated handout
Curriculum Committee, Tess Tobin (chair)
- Worked with the committee to assess the student work in LIB1201 according to university rubric
One Search Task Force, Cailean Cooney (chair)
- Worked with the task force to implement a new discovery system in the library.
- Attended webinars and universities meeting related to the One Search discovery tool on behalf of the task force.