About Me

Good afternoon, I’m Keishia Bovell. Choosing Nursing as my second career, after retail management, was the best decision I could have made as a career choice. Nursing is a largely sought out field, that gives so many opportunities in the work force, that offers a wealth of rewards if you love healing. I completed my ASN in 2009, from Keiser University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. While in Nursing school, all my professors said I was too high strung and active for the Medical Surgical (Med-Surg) department and they recommended that I work in the Emergency Department (ED). In 2010 I moved back to New York because the job market was not doing well for new graduates. Being my mom use to work in a hospital in NY, I thought my odds would be better using her influence. As suspected, using my mother’s name in the hospital she once worked for, landed me an interview. I remember before interviewing with the Med-surg Mgr, she was on the phone saying that they are forcing her to hire a new-grad when she had someone else she wanted for the position. While on an interview for a med-surg position, I could see that the Mgr didn’t care for me, I was hoping I didn’t get the job. I would be at a great disadvantage to be working for someone that was forced to hire me, when they didn’t want me in the first place. It turns out the Mgr was talking to the recruitment and hiring person in Human Resources (HR). The HR person came out from her office and asked me, if I could be in any department, what would be my preference. Remembering what my professors said, I said ED, the recruiter said, great we need four nursing positions for that department filled, and I’ve been in the ED ever since. I did work in a few hospitals since my start, but now I’m happy at NYU Langone.

Providing that I successfully complete this semester, it will be my last in NYCCT. I plan on continuing my education in the fall, pursuing a Nurse Practioner or Clinical Nurse Specialist degree. My family and friends are always looking to me for advice and diagnoses for different illnesses that they happen to be going through, so those degrees would grant me merit and justification to do what I’m already doing. I ultimately want to be in administration, continuing from my first career. The degrees that I obtain post-baccalaureate, will get me in the position that I want to be in, plus give me a good “back-up” plan.

Being able to balance family, work, and school, is an important aspect for me. I sometimes find it hard to balance the three, somehow, I’m doing it. I’m married with two teen-aged girls and president of the parent teacher association (PTA). I love to travel, and always manage to slip in a few short vacations yearly. Other hobbies of mine are shopping and eating from an array of restaurants.

I love being a nurse. I find it to be rewarding and fulfilling.