Assignment #08 & 09

Project lll – Hayabusa Mixed Martial Arts Gear

I’ve decided to make a commercial about mixed martial arts gear that are Hayabusa brand for Project lll. In my opinion there are the best gear for striking/grappling. Comfortable in the striking position as well on the ground. The durability for gloves, headgear, shinguards lasts for a long time. There more water repellant then other brands. It doesn’t slip of your limps and and stays on tight with better support. This brands probably better classified in a class of its own. It’s proves quality as the best MMA fighters wear this brand such as the Welterweight Champion George St-Pierre, Alistair Overeem, Nate Diaz, Yoshihiro Akiyama and more…

Target Audience:

Men and Women ages 13-40. People that are interested in the mixed martial arts world, has a fighting spirit mad the will to be the best.

Service Benefits: 

Very comfortable products. Confidence will rise as you step in the gym. Beneficial for the best protection they can offer.

Why are we advertising?:

To show the mixed martial arts world that this is the best product everybody should have  for better performance and protection.

Where are we advertising?: 

The advertisement will air on television during the afternoon to the evening on networks such as Spike TV, Fuel TV, FOX, MTV2 etc.


It will give an intense mood as the commercial progresses to the end. It will feel inspiring, adrenaline pumping, nerve-racking and powerful and prestigious Lollapalooza.


It’s just another day passing by as the wind gust it’s way through the city. It’s nearly 4:30 in the morning and both competitors are getting ready for their daily training. The alarm sets off waking the first competitor out of bed, while the second competitor is getting dressed. One cooks their eggs while the other one gobbles it down. As they finish having a light breakfast, they get ready for their warm ups. Their warm ups are both different from each other as they start from a light cardio workout to stretching afterwards. After they’re done with their warm ups, they start jogging to the gym. They both live in different location. The first competitor lives to close to the beach and the second competitor lives in the the city. They’re shadowboxing as they are running. Making the first move and thinking what the opponent is going to do next.

They both arrive at the gym. The perspective of the fighter keeps going back and forth, from one to the other. The intensity rises as they start to warm up in the gym. One does drills while the other one jump-ropes, one rolls with another while the other one wrestles with another, one punches the heavy bag while the other one kicks the knee bags. After very quick shots of their training, they begin to wrap their hands, put on their shin guards, their head gear, their mouthpiece and then their gloves.The narrator will then say as they’re stepping inside the ring facing each other

All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved and reserved for those who are willing to pay it’s price!.

That’s when they’re both going to throw a punch or a kick and its quickly fades to black and saids “HAYABUSA”