
Visit 1

Patient K.A 49 y.o Caucasian male presented for initial care. Upon assessment of periodontal status  the necessity of “Arestin” placement was indicated as an adjunct to scaling and root planning based on the radiographic findings of 30% of  horizontal bone loss on the posterior teeth of all 4 quadrants.  Explained to the patient the procedure and showed the patient an educational video about advantages of  Arestin pocket reduction therapy.

Visit 2

3/20/2019 (1 week after debridement) I evaluated sites #2 M and 3D for “Arestin” placement. Findings from perio chart were: 2M -6mm , 3D -6mm. Administred 2 cartridges of 1mg micocycline HCl microspheres  in the pocket. Patient was advised to return 1 week later to perform placement of Arestin in the other sites. Postop instructions were given to the patient.

Visit 3

3/29/2019 (1 week after) patient returned for the assessment of gingival and periodontal status. 6 cartridges of “Arestin” were placed in the following sites: #30D, #31D , #31M , #14D , #15M,  #30 M. Pretreatment pocket depth in all the sites was 6 mm. Postop instructions were given to the patient. Patient was advised to come back in 5 weeks for the therapy outcome evaluation.


Visit 4

5/1/2019 (5 weeks after “Arestin” placement) patient presented for the therapy outcome evaluation. Intraoral pictures of pocket depth were obtained and used for documentation and illustration of the results. Posttreatment pocket depth was 4mm in all the sites. Patient responded well to the therapy. Upon evaluation tissue exhibited improvement in texture and consistency. Improvement of pocket depth was discussed with the patient. Emphasized to the patient importance of the perio maintenance.