IAB Expo Page


The 2011 IAB Mixx Expo gave me an interesting view of different companies and their advertising technique. At the show each company had their own way of attracting wanderers such as information, giveaways, animals, and free stuff. I began to realize that these were more than just attractions but they were the company. Some pieces representing what the company does through creative design such as an eye glass cleaner from the company Local Search which represents the company attempt to make you search better. The Expo was pretty nice as I learn a lot about what it’s really like to advertise yet I was a bit disappointed to find out due to my pass I was restricted from the main events.

One company that I was interested in learning about was AudienceScience a company that in terms literally turns finding the target audience for a product into science. AudienceScience considers themselves the largest audience aggregators with over 220 million users in system while still responding to over 500 million a day. Like most of the other companies at the expo the AudienceScience had a mission similar to other booths. Yet I did not truly notice this until I realized how the representative named a few of the competitor booths such as Crowd Science and Google. She also name a few companies that were not present such a Real Media and AOL Advertising.

Although specific revenue based matters were unable to be discovered AudienceScience says that they have had over 300,000 successful campaigns since 2003. Beside their latest turn-up at the 2011 IAB Expo AudienceScience has just earned the top ranking in Double Verify’s Trust Index of the Most Compliant and Brand Safe Companies and lately has just introduce one of their clients Scott Travis to the Vice President of Sales In North America. I became interested most by the concept of this company since their targeting audiences are people who don’t understand who they want to advertise to. What AudienceScience does is that they will take a product and match it with their periodic table of data classification. This Table is one of my favorite parts of the company as it is literally a remake of the periodic table but instead of elements their and section classifications of advertising and just like the real periodic table it’s still able to expand.

At the expo I realized that most companies seem to portray themselves as the best at their field of advertising. While AudienceScience calls themselves the biggest and most trusted, Crowd Science says the same thing. When I asked one of the companies about the other their answer was related where they said that the other company was almost as good but they had more clients. I still enjoyed the free stuff as they gave me a better view of the companies and their roles in the world of advertising.

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