- Tuesday 10/10/2023 runs on a Monday schedule, so there is no MEDU2901 class.
- Click here to find the readings. Please do the readings for Class 7.
- Write a journal entry answering the following questions
- In your own words, can you describe what scaffolding means?
- Create a mini lesson plan teaching a 6 year old child to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Include any detail you find relevant, and start from beginning (nothing is taken out) to the end (cleaned up)
- Upload your journal entry to a Dropbox folder that I shared with you. You can use any format as long as it’s readable.
- The journal entry is due at 12pm on class day.
- Name this file as firstinitial lastname date journalentry06
ex. Dolores Madrigal uploads as dmadrigal03082022journalentry06