In todays lab we tested all our python skills to complete complex codes. In the codes we incorporated our iterating skills to iterate over data structures. We also put into display our listing comprehension skills.List slicing was one of the listing skills we had to know. We also had to use lambda expressions to complete some codes.
Author Archives: Kevin Andrade
A Day at the Supermarket
For todays assignment, we were asked complete “A Day at the Supermarket” in codecademy. In this assignment we incorporated our knowledge of lists and dictionaries. We also had to use some input functions, we used for loops for some of the codes we had to write. We even included conditions in our codes.
The assignment “Battleship” which we completed in Codecademy was a huge success and it was fun to code. In this assignment we combined all our knowledge about conditions and functions and lists to create this board-game. We incorporated a lot of different codes to this. We used for loops and range. We also used raw input for one part. It was a fun project.
Fruitful functions
In todays lab we wrote functions with return values. We also learned that in fruitful function, return statements includes a return value. In todays lab we defined a function called check_fermat and gave it parameters then we used the built in function <<raw_input>> and made the user input always be an integer.
In todays lab we incorporated our skills to complete PygLatin in Codacademy. We created strings with letters and numbers. In some inputs we entered strings that contained non-alphabetical characters and we also created a series a branches . We also completed conditionals and control flows in Codacademy. By completing this we learned how to create programs that generate different outcomes based on user inputs.
Turtle Blast
Taking a Vacation
Tip Calculator
Today I learned about variables, data types, whitespaces, comments and arithmetic operations. I put into practice some of these skills and completed the Tip Calculator assignment in Codecademy.
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