Lesson 2
AIM: How can we create lowlights with demi permanent color?
MOTIVATION: Your client Reba refers to her hair as “flat” because she is tired of seeing just one plain color throughout her whole head all the time. Reba wants a new look and is asking you for your opinion so her hair will no longer be this way, what would you suggest as the cosmetologist ?
Demonstrate weaving technique
Select appropriate color to create lowlights on hair wefts
Explain the process of creating lowlights
uniform, gloves, color, demi permanent developer, tint bowl, tint brush, cape, neck strip, foils,comb, butterfly clips, shampoo, blow dryer, hair weft, pins, conditioner
Vocabulary (They copy in their notebook):
- Isolation(when referring to hair coloring) is separating selected strands with a specific color from others using foil, plastic or frosting cap.
- Dimension is a range of tones in the hair instead of one flat color.
*Wella is being used today .
Q: Why is demi permanent color suitable for making lowlights ?
A: Demi permanent is suitable for low lights because the hair is being darkened and is safer to use.
Q: What mix ratio does Wella use ?
A:Wella uses 1:2 ratio
Q:What state should the hair be in to begin the process?
A: The hair has to be clean and dry
Read slide ( students fill-in blank )
A: Then we add 1 ounce of selected color in the bowl with 2 ounces of developer & mix.
View implements and materials ( they will copy onto their worksheet)
Q:What supplies on this list are new compared to a regular demi permanent procedure ?
A: Foil, Tint brush with metal tip
*The tint brush or comb with a metal tip to weave hair correctly
*Weaving technique used to select strands from a section
*View images, students state the type of changes made
Q:What type of application is used ?
Say:We are using the bowl and brush for our application . We are also using the weaving technique and foils to complete the lowlight procedure. Weaving is done with a zigzag motion of the metal tail or tint brush then color is applied to the strands, the foil is used to isolate the strands
*Show 9 section parting, show results of the lowlights
*Students watch demonstration of weaving technique and application of color
*In groups students view and demonstrate while students copy implements and materials)
Students write implements listed on procedure list
DEMI PERMANENT COLOR IS BEING USED TO CREATE LOWLIGHTS. After 1:1 ratio is used to mix the hair color and demi p developer, it is applied to hair that is in the subsection, that follows weaving technique demonstrated and isolated in foils to prevent bleeding . MATERIALS SHOULD BE COPIED ONTO WORKSHEET DURING LESSON.
Using ½ oz. of color and demi permanent developer , students will use weaving technique to create lowlights on their hair weft
IEP students: Given the printed procedure with elicit instruction to follow.
Aim : How can we create lowlights using demi permanent hair color?
Lowlight Procedure on weft
- Section weft into two equal parts vertically, from crown to nape
- Beginning at the right or left section, create a ¾ subsection at the base of the weft subsection
- Isolate the top of this subsection{⅓ inch] and weave hair out as demonstrated
- Place foil under weaved section
- Hold foil in place while applying color
- Fold from bottom to top so that the tips meet
- Fold slides of foil inward to prevent bleeding
- Continue until the section is complete, then move onto another section
½ oz of color
___ of H202